Monday, August 21

His alive, his allliveee...

(Pictured: Eden Sessions 2006 - The biggest YET!)

Oh god it's been such a long time since I've posted here. It's become a massive effort just to write up a few words for some reason and I can tell you now that at 11pm at night with a 7am start it's a struggle.
Things are mostly going to plan which is good news. I'm helping Sam out with her cafe 110% as intended and doing a fair few hours and saving up plenty of English Pounds.

Quick over view of recent events:

  • Moved to Newquay

  • I've moved out of the barn where I was staying with Sam on her grandparents property and I'm now living in Newquay with a new friend called Lance.
    Lance has also been working for Sam at the cafe helping cook on her days off. Living in Newquay is a big help as shops and all the regular mod cons are just that bit closer compared to St Merryn.

  • Eden Sessions 2006 @ The Eden Project - Jose Gonzalez & The Magic Numbers

  • Went to see Jose Gonzalez perform at the famous Eden Project. For those that don't know he is a vocalist for Zero 7 which I went to see a few months back in Bristol. It seems he must be doing very well for himself if his headlining now days! It was a huge night and I'm loving the vibe of live music!! The Magic Numbers were great too... just not quite what I'm into music wise.

  • Mum is back from Alaska

  • Mum's and Kevin arrive home safely (just) from their trip to Alaska. It's the first time our family has been more then a few hours apart and now with me in the UK and mum in the US we couldn't have been further apart.

  • Tony & Colin got married in the US

  • Always looked up to my half brother Tony and I've never had more reason to be proud now his married to his long time partner, Colin. Congratulations guys! I hope to get to talk with you pair soon!

  • My birthday pressie arrived from Cassy

  • Contents included: some Milo, an ANZAC biscuit, 1 GIANT Caramello Koala (mmm god... Australian Cadburies) and 2 precious DVDs that I forgot, Donnie Darko and Hercules Returns

  • Missed Goldfrapp but get to see Imogen Heap and Mylo

  • So I missed Goldfrapp at the Eden sessions but should get to see Imogen Heap on her tour through the UK and should also get to see Mylo do a DJ set here in Cornwall!

  • Got my National Insurance Number

  • I'm now officially a number here in the UK, tax wise... oh goddie!

  • Plans for London and Spain

  • Looking into "what next" now the cafe is coming to a close. Sam's auntie owns a holiday house in Spain, handy that I've been doing a fair bit of computer work with her, potential payment.

Missing everyone out there and having a ball!!!