Monday, November 19

A long way home...

So from the end of the world to sitting among far too many English
tourists... how did this happen?!
At some magical stage I thought it'd be a great idea to catch the
ferry back to UK, keep my feet on the ground, so to speak. A bit of
Internet research later, booked.
Little did I realise what a cascade effect this would have on the next
few days and my wallet!
Plane = €40 (€60 inc transfers)
Ferry = €60 (€170 inc transfers and the required 2 nights accomodation
at both ports, well done me!)


Renee7185 said...

hey thomes
long time no talk! in case you dont remeber it's renee balcombe phil's sister! wow i've just been reading your blog. what and amazing and brave journey you have been on! i'm sure that your back from your journey now but still thought i'd say congrats. take care. keep in touch.

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