Monday, March 26

Back home safe in Brighton

Well me and Cassy have arrived back in Brighton with minimal fuss after a whirlwind tour of London. Poor Cassy was jet lagged through it all, not sure how much sank in, poor thing. I remember what it was like when I first arrived... *stares blankly*

The damn girl has organised a job in Oxford already and most likely won't be staying in Brighton for more the a few days. Fortunately I've managed to organise another Vaughn Town in Spain with her at the end of the month. That'll be amazing and this time it'll be in Gredos opposed to San Zoilo, the new location should keep things different enough to be amazing again.

I'm bloody happy I'm home again now, out of the rat race, as I can get stuck into my new Playstation 3 that I had to leave behind just hours after I purchased it to fetch Cassy. The girl doesn't know how lucky she is to have pulled me away from a new console! Hehe!!
I think I forgot to mention the fact of the purchase of the £425 ($1050 AUD) Playstation 3... fortunately it should hold it's value so I can have a play for a while, then sell it on.

Bit crap as I'm back at work tomorrow and can't show Cass around but I found my old Brighton map and should be able to mark out a few 'must see' places for her to visit while I'm working.

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