Wednesday, June 7

Notable changes continued...

Well oddly enough I've managed to score myself a job today. Sam's cafe hasn't been busy enough to need me (hopefully that's just till the summer season starts) so I went on the hunt for a job today.
So I set out on foot to a golf club that I was told was reasonable and is only a few miles away. It would have had to of been the easiest job I've ever gotten! Desperate for people I'd say!
So tomorrow I'm off to buy a few black shirts and a bike... it'll save walking those few miles every day.

So some more notable changes:

  • Seagulls are huge monsters here! The ones at home are cute and cuddly in comparison and they can be bastards at times let alone if they were 2x the size!
  • KFC replaces mashed potato and gravey with baked beans apparently. What's the go with that? It's one of the few reasons I'd go to KFC... that and when I'm hung over and can't think straight not to do so.
  • Dogs are allowed everywhere! Finally equal rights for dogs. Public transport, pubs and parks.
  • There are wind turbines everywhere in Cornwall. Good to see some countries are taking renewable energy a little more seriously!
  • I sware it's brighter here too. I'm finding that I have to ware my sunnies far more often then normal.
  • It's no longer a "Devonshire Tea" it's a "Cream Tea", obvious but still amusing!

    1 comment:

    Anonymous said...

    nice one with the job mr - and yeh i was serious bout visiting